Hello Families!

I’m Miss B.

I have a background in arts education, classroom academic teaching, and am a mom of an amazing 2-year-old. I created Learning with Joy LLC to help parents connect to their kids' learning, grow together, and most importantly have fun! I believe that approaching learning with joy is the best way to cultivate lifelong learners, bond with our kids, and improve wellness. You can find out more about me and this blog on the about page. 

Check back each week for a new post with ideas to try at home to support your learner’s literacy and more!

The mission of LwJ is to empower families to connect to their children’s education in a meaningful and joyful way. In connection with this, please always use any ideas and tools in a way that works best for you and your family. Always guide and supervise any content your learner uses and the safety of the environment.

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GET READING: Let’s Get Motivated