GET READING: Let’s Get Specific

Hello Families! 

Welcome to Learning with Joy! Thanks for being here and I hope we can find joy in learning together!

We are going to GET READING this month! Stay tuned in April for ideas to help make reading a consistent joy in your home by getting motivated, getting curious, getting active, and getting specific. If you missed the first 3 weeks, check out the blog for more information! 


This week we are looking at goal setting. 

Setting clear and specific goals helps learners take ownership of their learning and allows them to achieve new skills & habits.

Now, I want to name that this is a skill I am continually working on as an adult and, until recently, I have not always approached goal setting with joy throughout my own life. However, as an educator and a model to my daughter, I have the opportunity to provide her with the tools and motivation to make goal-setting joyful. Because, I can not say it enough- when we enjoy something, we are much more likely to invest and follow through. 

Since we are working on getting reading this month, my examples will be focused on reading, however, this approach can be used for many kinds of goals.


When making a goal this week follow these 4 guidelines:

Positive Language

Focus on what your learner does want to do/learn or the habit you do want to build, instead of what not to do. Notice and encourage your learner when they take steps toward the goal. Yes, we want to challenge ourselves to do something new. Having a positive mindset that we can reach the goal and reinforcing the small steps along the way, tells the brain that this new change is good and to continue.

Instead of saying I can’t, I encourage using:

I am learning to…. 

I know that I can learn to…

This is challenging and I am working on it

My goal is to…. 

You can also read books to inspire positive thinking and mindset. A favorite of mine is I Believe I Can (associate link) by Grace Byers.

Learner Involved

Create the goal with your learner. You can give the topic you are working on or even provide 2-3 options. Giving them choice in the selection and creation of the goal boosts investment and excitement.


Create a goal that is specific, age-appropriate, and achievable within a not-so-distant time frame. This is where you can help guide or tweak the goal with your learner. Help them make it specific and a smaller goal to work towards a big idea or theme. Some examples of specifying a goal:

Instead of: I want to learn to read - I want to learn the letter sounds

Instead of: I want to read a chapter book- I will read 1 chapter each morning after breakfast

Instead of: I want to ride a bike - I will practice bike riding with mom/dad for 15 minutes after school each day


Be specific about what it looks like to work toward the goal. What are the smaller steps within the bigger idea? Use a visual to track progress each time your learner takes steps toward the goal. 

CLICK HERE for a free printable goal-setting tool & tracker and see below for examples and inspiration for goals.

Get Specific and have fun watching all the growth unfold! 

More Goal Setting Inspiration


Pre-Reading: I am learning… 

to read books with my family for 10 min a day

to read books before bedtime

to talk about the story after reading 

Beginning Reader: I am learning…

to identify the letter _

the sound of the letter __

to blend sounds to make words

the sight word(s) _____

Independent Reader: I am learning… 

to read like I speak (fluency)

to read for 20 minutes a day

to identify and describe the characters in a story 

to name 3 facts I learn from nonfiction

Other Learning Goals: I am learning…

to count to ___ 

counting by ___ 

to identify the colors blue & green

To write my name

to write the letter ______ 

to write a personal story

Home Goals: I am learning…

to play quietly for 10 minutes before bedtime

to use the potty

to put my toys in the bin after playing with them

to make my bed in the morning

to ride a bike on my own 


Get Reading

If you are new to the blog, I encourage you to check out all of the April posts to learn about making reading a daily habit. Or grab the Reading Challenge Printable Bundle in the shop to add fun and excitement to reading time. It also helps learners visually track their reading, so they can feel proud of building a new habit.

Comprehension Goals

If you have an independent reader and want a resource to help them build comprehension skills. Check out my Comprehension Skills Cards in the shop. These are sequenced cards with questions to ask themselves as they read to help build comprehension skills.

Miss B’s Picks

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases*

I Believe I Can by Grace Byers is a favorite of mine to encourage positive thinking and mindset while creating goals or learning new skills. 


Visualize- Reading


GET READING: Let’s Get Active