TEACH with the Summer Learning Challenge

Hello Families, 

Welcome to Learning with Joy! Thanks for being here and I hope we can find joy in learning together! I am so glad you have joined the LwJ Summer Learning challenge. My hope is that this challenge can bring joy, connection and moments of learning to you and your littles (or not so littles). As always please remember use any ideas and tools in a way that works best for you and your family. Always guide and supervise any content your learner uses and the safety of the environment.

Get the free printable Summer Challenge tracker HERE.

You can print it out or simply pull up the pdf on your computer or phone.  It also has a bonus side with a summer-themed reading challenge. Complete the tracker in your own time, by simply coloring in or covering an activity after completing it. 4 of the activities will have a matching blog post that will go out each Sunday in July. Check back here at learningwjoy.com for further explanation of the activity and ideas for different ages and skills. 

7/17 Summer Learning Challenge Part 2- TEACH

This week your learner will become the teacher. This activity can be very flexible and open-ended. The main goal is that the learner teaches someone how to do something. By doing so they will grow in critical thinking, communication, and confidence! Below are 4 steps to follow with various options to fit your family best. 

Pick an Action/Activity

Have your learner pick something that they can teach. Help them narrow it down to 1 specific action, activity or routine that they know how to do well. You can ask them questions like:

What is something you are really good at?

What is something that you could teach others to do?

What is something that you do every day? 

If you are feeling stuck, some ideas include: riding a bike, reading a book, brushing your teeth, baking cookies, painting a picture, putting on your shoes, planting a flower etc. 

Break Down the Steps

Have your learner break down the action/activity into steps.  Depending on your learner you may guide them or let them do this independently. You can help them be specific and concise.

How do you do that? 

What are the steps you take to _____?

What do you need to do first…next…after…last? 

Record the Steps

Have your learner Draw and/or Write the steps.

For independent writers, this is a great way to practice transition words like- first, next, after, finally. For younger learners, they can draw pictures or you can write down the steps they tell you verbally. 

You can do this on any paper, whiteboard or use this HOW TO TEMPLATE that you can print out for free! 


Your learner becomes the teacher! Have them share their How To steps with you, a family member, or a friend. They can simply present and share their paper or could teach someone how to actually do the activity together. Encourage them to speak clearly, share step-by-step and answer any questions the person they are teaching may have. 

I hope you have a joyful week & have fun learning and teaching together!


If you like the writing paper template, you can find many more templates, as well as guidance through the writing process in my Guided Writing Journals. *Suggested for learners who are writing phrases/sentences.

Find my twistable crayons for break-free coloring and more on the MISS B’s PICKs page!

Explore the website or give LwJ a follow on insta @learningwjoy


COOK with the Summer Learning Challenge


NATURE WALK with the Summer Learning Challenge